Australian Illegal Logging Prohibition Regulation – Important information for Importers


The Australian Illegal Logging Prohibition Regulation commences on 30th November 2014 so here is some important information for Importers:

Training Seminars for Importers
Dates and venues are now confirmed for the next series of Illegal Logging Regulation & Timber Due Diligence training seminars conducted by the Timber Development Association (Flyer attached). These cover WHO and WHAT is covered by the Regulation, Government Guidance, and HOW to undertake the required due diligence for illegally logged timber. The focus is on real world examples and explaining the use of the tools, templates and industry information. More details and bookings via

Remember that there will be an 18 month phase in period and companies can integrate the due diligence for illegally logged timber into their existing business systems. Many companies are already doing this and for those importing low risk species from low risk areas – compliance should be very straightforward.

Training is small groups (20 max) which is very useful for discussion for participants to get the most out of the day. Dates and venues are:


Wednesday 8th October 2014 – 9am to 4.30 pm
Engineering House, 21 Bedford Street, North Melbourne


Friday 10th October 2014 – 9am to 4.30 pm
Technology Park Function Centre, 2 Brodie Hall Drive, Bentley


Tuesday 14th October 2014 – 9am to 4.30 pm
The Greek Club, 9 Edmondstone Street, South Brisbane


Thursday 16th October 2014 – 9am to 4.30 pm
Dooleys Waterview, Cnr. of Clyde Street and Silverwater Road, Silverwater

TDA is charging $495 to cover the costs for these. Obviously if importers want to send a few people this can be costly. The TDA are happy to talk with associations and companies about arranging a specific briefing and/or training for groups of their members/staff. If the group is large enough the TDA may even be able to arrange for a Department of Agriculture person to come along or provide input via a teleconference call.

Training for Domestic Processors
Domestic processors have not been forgotten however there really is no point until these State Specific Guidelines are available. The deadline for each of the States and Commonwealth to finalise their Guidelines is scheduled for 30th September.

Department of Agriculture Outreach
There is no word yet on the schedule of Department of Agriculture’s outreach activities leading up to 30th November. The TDA are meeting with the Department on 12th September, so further details will be available post this date.

Additional Community Protection Question
As noted previously importers will be required to answer a simple question about their compliance with their due diligence obligations under the Regulations. They WILL NOT have to declare that they have not imported illegally logged wood. The exact wording of the question has not yet been finalised.

For further information contact the Timber Development Association on 02 8424 3700.