WA Boosts Real Work
17,000 Year 9 students per annum across the State of Western Australia will get a taste of the world of work and post-school opportunities through a new $19.2 million Year 9 Career Taster Program (CTP).
The program will support Year 9 students to become ‘career curious’ and extend their thinking through practical activities and meaningful experiences with the world of work. It gives schools the flexibility to design career exploration experiences that allow students to learn about different industries, current and emerging occupations and career pathway, and will provide secondary students with the tools to make more informed choices and position vocational education and training (VET) as a viable alternative to university.
‘The AFA’s WA branch, FIAWA, welcomes the announcement which gives the furnishing industry an innovative way to attract and retain potential candidates for this ever evolving dynamic industry,’ states FIAWA CEO, Patrizia Torelli. ‘The AFA’s involvement of the development of appropriate and relevant training will ensure that smooth transition of an industry ready workforce.’
The program has been co-designed through an extensive consultation process between the Department and industry, education experts, TAFEs, school sectors and community stakeholders across Perth and regional WA.
Program delivery is planned to commence from Term 1, 2022 and run for four years.
Pilot programs have commenced, with Year 9 students from Rockingham Senior High School being in the first cohort.
As part of the program, an online career taster portal is being developed to provide a one stop resource for students, schools and industry including career taster events, activities, resources and information.
More information is available at https://jobsandskills.wa.gov.au/careertaster
Minister Sue Ellery commented “Industry and employers have wanted stronger links with schools and opportunities to expose students to the world of work as early as possible.
This is a new and innovative program that will help achieve this, designed to challenge students’ thinking and make connections between education and post-school opportunities.”