The Australian Furniture Association, also operating as the Australasian Furnishing Association, is the only recognised peak industry body for the furnishing sector in Australia. The Australian furnishing and design industry contributes to a vibrant Australian economy. The history of the Australian furnishing and design industry stretches way back to the formative stages of our nation. The colonisation of Australia saw furniture imported from Britain, but by the 1830s the manufacturing of furniture in Australia had well and truly commenced.

Today, the industry is an important contributor to the economic stability and wealth of our country. With an estimated value of $27.4 billion, its main areas of supply to residential, commercial. health, education and hospitality furnishings. The Australian furnishing and design industry is also a key manufacturer employer, with direct manufacturing accounting for approximately 250,000 Australian jobs. The industry also contributes to thousands of jobs in upstream and downstream industries, including the retail sector, export and supply chain. The ingenuity of Australian made furniture is reflected in its diverse product range across the residential and commercial use environments. From bedroom and dining furniture, to quality made lounge suites, functional office furniture and stunning occasional furniture items through to complex designs for the health and education sectors; Australian and international consumers are spoiled for choice.

The Australian furnishing and design industry has a reputation around the world for producing beautifully crafted and durable products, made from unique materials and to the highest quality and safety standards. Australia’s indigenous timbers lend themselves to innovative and enduring designs, uniquely distinct from the masses of generically produced furniture whilst the introduction of new materials presents more opportunity to expand Australia’s reputation for unique, safe and high quality use of products. The Australian furnishing and design industry is also committed to using sustainably sourced timber products ensuring the future of our environment. The AFA is committed to supporting Australian businesses in the Furnishing supply chain who share these values and commitment to the Australian economy, environment and community.