Four baby cots recalled in one month

The Australasian Furnishing Association is alarmed to learn that four separate baby cots have been recalled the ACCC in just one month. Even more alarming is the fact that all three were sold online. ‘With the impending launch of Amazon into Australia, we’re concerned...

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Almost 5,000 small businesses contacted the ACCC in the second half of 2017, up from 3,700 in the preceding six months, according to the latest edition of the Small Business in Focus released today. Alleged misleading conduct, false representations and consumer...

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The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) is an independent Commonwealth statutory authority whose role is to enforce the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 and a range of additional legislation, promoting competition, fair trading and regulating national infrastructure for the benefit of all Australians. The ACCC’s purpose is to make markets work for consumers, now and in the future. The role of the ACCC is to protect, strengthen and supplement the way competition works in Australian markets and industries to improve the efficiency of the economy and to increase the welfare of Australians.

The ACCC will take action where this improves consumer welfare, protects competition or stops conduct that is anti-competitive or harmful to consumers, and promotes the proper functioning of Australian markets.

The ACCC priorities are reflected in four key goals:

  1. maintain and promote competition and remedy market failure
  2. protect the interests and safety of consumers and support fair trading in markets
  3. promote the economically efficient operation of, use of and investment in monopoly infrastructure
  4. increase our engagement with the broad range of groups affected by what we do.

Visit the ACCC site HERE.