The AFA was involved in significant research in 2021 which has resulted in the identification of a number of Chemicals used in the manufacture of products which will be phased out in the next few years.
This in NOT to be confused with chemicals which are covered by workplace OH&S authorities and regulators.
The AFA has taken proactive action to work with Government to ensure that the resulting regulations and new legislations that will be developed to phase out these chemicals, do not significantly impact on the economic viability of the industry.
The Australasian Furnishing Association (AFA) is recognised as the peak industry association for the furnishing sector supply chain in Australia. Collectively the industry employs more than 250,000 Australians directly and up to 500,000 indirectly. With an estimated value of $27.4 billion, the furnishing industry is an important contributor to the economic well-being and wealth of the nation.
We NEED industry feedback to identify the current state of play across the furnishing sector and to progress this important work to protect the industry from unnecessary compliance and regulation, whilst leading the way in responsible, sustainable manufacturing practices.
Help us contribute to the discussion, please take 2-5 minutes out of your day TODAY to complete this very short survey.