AFA Makes Submission on behalf of Industry Members
The Australian Furniture Association (AFA) welcomed the opportunity to make a submissionto the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources’ consultation Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) on reforming Australia’s Illegal Logging regulations. The AFA supports the submission made by the Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA) and allied industry bodies with whom the AFA has consulted.
The furnishing products industry is one of Australia’s largest manufacturing industries (with importers considered to be manufacturers by law) and includes the following furnishing sectors:
- Wooden Furniture and Upholstered Seat Manufacturing in Australia
- Metal Furniture Manufacturing in Australia
- Mattress Manufacturing in Australia
- Textile Product Wholesaling in Australia
- Hardware Wholesaling in Australia
- Carpet and Textile Floor Covering Manufacturing in Australia
The annual sector turnover is approximately $32 billion and approximately 250,000 people are directly employed along the industry value chain with a further 200,000 jobs supported through flow-on economic activity. Each year our industry uses around 4.8 million m3 of sawn timber and 1.5 million m3 of wood-based panels.
AFA Members can view the AFA’s submission upon request. Contact Strategy@australianfurniture.org.au