AFA – Stage 4 Safety Plans
and Workers Permit
Victoria is now into Stage 4 Restrictions as of 12 midnight 5 August 2020.
There will be an allowance of one trip without a permit over the next 48 hours.
As per previous advice the Stage 4 Restrictions template that defines who can work and who cannot is found on this link. https://vta.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Stage-4-Industries-Distribution_FINAL.pdf
Every business that is able to remain open must have a Victorian COVID Safety Plan.
The AFA has prepared an Industry Endorsed version for the purposes of verification for authorities.
Members can access this document by contacting membership@theafa.asn.au
This Plan should be completed by all businesses eligible to remain open under the conditions outlined in our previous communications to Members.
If you require further information about eligibility to continue to operate contact membership@theafa.asn.au
Please refer to the link for access to the Victorian COVID Safety Plan and guidance material. https://www.business.vic.gov.au/disputes-disasters-and-succession-planning/covid-safebusiness/creating-a-covid-safe-workplace
Every worker must also carry a Permitted Worker Permit. Only eligible Employers can issue these permits. For further information about your eligibility to remain open contact membership@theafa.asn.au
This document must be completed by the employer and worker and carried by the worker when on Victorian roads.
Please refer to the following link for access to the Victorian Permitted Worker Plan. https://www.justice.vic.gov.au/permitted-worker-scheme or contact the AFA for a copy if you are unable to download from the government website. membership@theafa.asn.au
The AFA has been in discussion with the Victorian Government and have secured some reassurances around exemptions to allow our industry sector to operate productively within the Stage 4 restrictions. Further information is available for AF Members. Contact membership@theafa.asn.au
Currently, the government website for these forms is experiencing an overload that will be addressed today. Please be informed that there is NOT a requirement to have High Risk COVID Safety Plan additional to the Victorian COVID Safety Plan.
We will keep you informed of any changes. Please contact the AFA with any issue or clarification needed.
Patrizia Torelli
Chief Executive Officer
T: +61 3 86914244
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