A further three furniture product safety recalls have been reported this week, with all three posing a potential
choking/suffocation hazard to young children. Concerns are increasing over product that is not only unsafe, but that also does not contain the necessary ‘warning’ labels. In all cases the products have been sold online, which only adds to the risk because product is skipping potential distribution checkpoints. Regulators are being inundated with calls for great control over the distribution and sale of non-compliant products with the AFA receiving upwards of 30 calls per month from consumers complaining about ‘dodgy’ furniture products. Also on the list of disputes is non-compliance of mandatory Standards, counterfeit test reports and certificates, absence of mandatory manufacturer identification, care and warning labelling, sub-standard quality products and or materials, and misrepresentation of country of origin, product use or the materials used in the manufacturing, especially surrounding ‘leather’ products.

See latest list of furniture related recalls here: