The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has been scoping more effective risk controls to prevent injuries and deaths caused by toppling furniture.
This included publishing an Issues Paper in August 2021 and a Consultation Impact Assessment in May 2022.
‘Following consultation, the ACCC formed the view that there were no feasible domestic or overseas standards with suitable performance requirements to inform the development of a mandatory safety standard,’ quoted AFA CEO, Patrizia Torelli. Both of the voluntary standards that included stability requirements for furniture, the Australian and New Zealand voluntary standard (AS/NZS 4935:2009) and the American standard (ASTM F2057-19), were under review, and it was likely performance requirements would change.
The ACCC is now considering whether stability and tip-over restraint (anchoring device) requirements set out in the newly updated American standard (ASTM F2057–23 Standard Safety Specification for Clothing Storage Units) are suitable for inclusion in an Australian mandatory safety standard.
This follows a recent recall of furniture anchoring devices in the US.
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