You can register for product safety recall alerts If you sell products – it pays to be aware of how products fare in your market sector. If a product similar to one that you sell gets recalled it can impact your business. It is illegal to sell recalled products. Most...
Here is a quick guide to Product and Industrial Eco-Design that you may like to take into account when you are designing or manufacturing products.
The AFA seeks expressions of interest from established industry partners for a major Materials and Manufacturing Technology project. Businesses from the required industry sectors include Sustainable materials Ethically harvested timbers Recyclable materials New...
The AFA is committed to helping Australian businesses with a focus on building competitive and sustainable business models and to promote the profitable growth, competitiveness, innovation, and the export readiness of its Members. This week we wrote to the Victorian...
The Australian Furniture Association (AFA) welcomed the opportunity to make a submission to the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources’ consultation Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) on reforming Australia’s Illegal Logging regulations. The AFA supports the...