The West Australian Food, Fibre & Timber Industries Training Council needs information from industry about the supply of skilled employees in the following sectors: Textiles Furniture, Wood & related products Forestry & Timber There are specific...

Workers Compensation

by John Clements, hranywhere In the event of a work-related accident or illness, state and territory health and safety laws require injured workers have access to first aid, workers’ compensation and a return to work rehabilitation program.  This follows the key...

Leading A Culture of Innovation

by Simona Jobbagy, AFCoPN Chair, Director of Business, Design, Media and ICT Programs, Swinburne University January is always a good time for reflection on the year past, as well as some blue sky thinking to help us deal with the challenges that await us. As our...

Do You Import Timber Products?

As of the 1st of January 2018, the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources will cease the “soft start” audit period.

Tipping Furniture Warning

The AFA has been liaising with Government to look into tipping furniture as it poses an ongoing threat to Australians. The AFA is pleased Australia’s consumer watchdog has launched a safety investigation into a popular series of drawers by Swedish furniture...

New Year – New Jobs – Are you searching for Skilled Workers?

AFA Members are encouraged to advertise vacancies using the AFA Career Hub. A number of roles have been filled in the past few months since launching this valuable platform, so the offer to assist Members with finding good quality candidates is extended once again....

If you are in Manufacturing, the NSW Government Needs Your Help!

Injuries and illness in the manufacturing industry are too high and Safework NSW is working hard to do something about it. If you work in Manufacturing there are free workshops being held in February. Small Businesses who attend may be eligible for the $500 Small...

Protecting Your Business By Dave Cain 

A Brief Guide on Fraud Prevention, Stolen Credit Cards, and Protecting your Business. AFA Partners, House Of Home provide the following advice – While the rise and rise of e-commerce has unlocked previously closed doors to savvy retailers both domestically and...

Global Style Connections

The Australian Furniture Association Ltd is now also trading as The Australasian Furnishing Association. The change reflects the Association’s commitment to belonging to a globally-focused imperative to the quality, high standards and safety of Australian furnishing...

A Digital Health Check Now Could Save Your Business

Digital Health Checks for Small to Medium Businesses (SME’s) Small to Medium businesses in Australia are being suffocated by their own business. It is a problem we see time and time again. Businesses get so busy keeping up with the day to day operations that are...

 Benchmarking by John Clements from hranywhere

Many organisations, regardless of size and structure, will seek to benchmark themselves. Benchmarking helps with improving processes, approaches and technologies to reduce costs, increase profits and strengthen customer loyalty and satisfaction.  Benchmarking is an...

Developing an export plan?

Many AFA Members are looking to export their products, but how do you go about it? The first step is to develop an export plan so you and your business and staff have a clear plan to follow. An effective export plan will help evaluate your strengths and weaknesses...

Government Tender Project WA

  AFA Members are advised that newly listed WA Public Sector Procurement Opportunities currently exist from Tenders WA that require the supply of Furniture. Request No. (Status) & Type Request Summary Dates BMW0247517 (Current) Tender Department of Health...

Small Business unfair contract terms in focus

The AFA is following developments as the ACCC is continuing to educate business and take enforcement action to ensure that small businesses receive the protections of the new unfair contract terms laws. Since 12 November last year, when the laws were extended to small...

ACCC Legislation

The purpose of this letter is to remind AFA Members of the Federal Court of Australia decision following action taken by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) against Woolworths Limited (Woolworths) relating to the supply of unsafe products to...