On behalf of the AFA Board, Management and Members, we observe the sad passings of Wolfgang Schubert, founder of Burgtec Australasia Pty Ltd, who passed way on 9 January, and of Sonja, his beloved wife of 62 years, 9 weeks earlier, on 6 November. Wolfgang and...
Business confidence among SMEs is now sitting at its highest level since March 2010, following an eight point rise to +46 on a net basis, according to the latest Sensis Business Index (SBI)* survey.Sensis Chief Executive Officer, John Allan said, “Businesses closed...
Sydney Breakfast Forum To bring about change within the upper echelons of the built environment consulting industry would be a significant step in advancing equality in this traditional and male dominated world and these business leaders are taking a big step...
It goes without saying that most of us, when furnishing our living spaces, want a home that is comfortable, stylish and which reflects our personality. So let’s discuss the advantages of wooden furniture. While you will be aware that there is a massive choice when it...
Since the earliest days of man, leather has been a valued commodity, sought after for advantageous properties that nothing else could provide. The earliest, simple furniture was probably an animal skin on the ground to provide man a warmer, more comfortable spot to...
In the last 24 hours, the National Retail Association has received reports from AFA Members across Australia of sightings of counterfeit $50 and $100 notes in Victoria, Queensland and New South Wales. We urge all retailers to inform staff, read the tips included (READ...
Taking a break over Christmas?… Looking to sell your house? – well, this is a great time to do some reno’s for a high return. Quick fixes before selling a home always pay off, but which home repairs bring the biggest return? Specific answers to this often-asked...
Trends in home decor and appliances are constantly changing – silver, gold, copper, brass – the options are limitless. However, for 2017 it seems that sleek black stainless steel will replace the usual gleaming silver appliances around the home. This new...
Christmas is an exciting and magical time steeped in family traditions and special memories, here are some wonderful Aussie Themed Christmas ideas from Brisbane kids....
At the recent AGM of Furntech-AFRDI, delegates welcomed Billy Brine, A/g Senior Project Officer, Small Business & Industry Codes from the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) for his presentation on the Australian Consumer Law (ACL) and how it...
The Victorian Premier’s Design Awards were announced last night at the National Gallery of Victoria. The Awards recognise the best in Victorian Design and Innovation across eight categories, including Product Design, Fashion and Student Design (with two new...
Are you buying furniture direct from China? Then you are considered the manufacturer in the eyes of the Australian Consumer Law. The Australian Furniture Association has been made aware of the serious financial and insurance risks to hospitality, conferencing and...
Step into the fascinating world of Colour Psychology with Award Winning Interior Decorators, Taryn Whitaker and Tracey McLeod, and discover a foolproof process for finding the ideal colour palette for every home and business. The powerful properties of colour are...
Australian Venue Operators beware. Are you buying furniture direct from China? Then you are considered the manufacturer in the eyes of the Australian Consumer Law. The Australian Furniture Association has been made aware of the serious financial and insurance risks to...
AFA CEO Patrizia Torelli has been appointed to the Manufacturing, Engineering and Automotive Industry Advisory Group (MEAIAG), established by the first Victorian Skills Commissioner (VSC), Mr Neil Coulson. The establishment of this independent role signals a new...
At the recent Australian Furnishing Community of Practice Network (AFCoPN) meeting, Chris Arnold, Furniture and Cabinetmaking Department of Melbourne Polytechnic, shared this article from the newspaper, which is at odds with the experience of many AFA Member training...
Furniture industry leaders are invited to check out the work of Curtin University graduating students in product, furniture, jewellery and fashion design. From opening night, Friday 9th December 2016 from 6pm and Saturday 10am to 4pm, visitors are encouraged to...
The latest retail-themed State of the Nation reveals that Australians made 90 million more trips to bricks-and-mortar stores in the 2015/2016 financial year than they did in the year before that. For several years, Australians have been making fewer visits to retail...
While your staff may be ‘off the clock’, you’ll probably still be responsible for their health and safety. Here are some suggestions to help your workplace celebrate safely: Send a friendly email to staff before the party reminding them that while the party is a time...
When planning your Christmas party, it’s also important to consider any tax requirements.Generally, you won’t have to pay FBT if you host the Christmas party on your business premises, or keep the cost of the party to below $300 per person. Some Christmas parties can...
AFA Members are encouraged to get involved on Waste Not, Want Not Day, Let’s make a positive impact on the environment and wider community. The festive season is the perfect time for you and your employees to clear offices and work spaces of clutter ahead of the New...