Certification and Sustainable Forest Management

Forest and chain of custody certification is underpinned by sustainable forest management. Learn more from Matt de Jongh of Responsible Wood

About this event

Presenter: Matt de Jongh, Sustainability Manager of Responsible Wood

Date: 15th September 2022, 12pm-1pm


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    NON-Members $35

Forest and chain of custody certification is underpinned by sustainable forest management, which is often misunderstood by the general public, particularly those outside of the forestry sector. However there are many positive environmental benefits derived from sustainable forest management, specifically in Australia our forests have evolved to active and adaptive management for over 60,000 years, through Traditional Owner management. Sustainable forest management has an important role in mitigating the impacts of climate change, including reducing the severity of bushfires.

Key themes

  • Sustainable Forest Management and Chain of Custody certification
  • Sustainable Forest Management and the environmental, social and economic benefits
  • The benefits of using forest and wood products
  • Active and adaptive management, including Traditional Owner management

Top Tips

A better understanding of forestry in particular sustainable forest management and the benefits of using forest and wood products and the role of certification.

About The Presenter

Matt de Jongh is the Sustainability Manager for Responsible Wood and holds a Bachelor of Science (Forestry), ANU and a Graduate Certificate in Business Management, UNE. Matt is a forester with over 20 years’ experience in both operational and policy roles. As an operational forester for about 11 years, Matt managed both native and plantation forests, with Forestry Corporation of NSW, in various locations throughout regional NSW, also spending time on a secondment to the NSW Natural Resources Commission to assist with the management of the state wide NSW Forest Monitoring and Improvement Program. In forestry policy Matt has worked for both the Australian Government and the Australian Forest Products Association.

Matt has developed strong stakeholder engagement skills, not only as a forester, but also in the six years spent as Local Area Manager for the NSW Local Land Services, working closely with a variety of stakeholders including Landcare groups, landholders and the agricultural industry. Matt is passionate about promoting and communicating sustainable forest management and advocating for the environmental, social and economic benefits associated with forestry.