The Victorian Government has committed to decarbonising the economy and achieving net zero emissions by 2050, which will have implications for workforce skill needs. To meet the skills and training needs, the Victorian Government is funding the development of the Clean Economy Workforce Skills Initiative (the CE Skills Initiative) that comprises:
- Clean Economy Skills and Jobs Taskforce
- Clean Economy Workforce Capacity Building Fund
- Clean Economy Workforce Development Strategy (The Strategy).
The Strategy is part of a number of Victorian Government initiatives designed to support its 2050 targets involving the Victorian tertiary education sector (e.g., Climate Change Education and Training Adaptation Action Plan, the Whole-of-Government Emission Reduction Pledge). The Department of Education and Training has engaged ACIL Allen to develop the Strategy. The development of the Strategy involves a number of consultation activities, outlined in the figure below.

This survey
The purpose of this survey is to gather perspectives on current and future skills and training needs. It will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Responses to the survey will:
- inform the development of the Strategy
- inform the design of the next stage of consultations
- be used to identify key stakeholders who will be invited to participate in the invitation only roundtables.
The link to the survey is below. The survey will close at 5pm on Friday March 18th, 2022.
This survey is distinct from other Department of Education and Training skills surveys (e.g., the annual Student Satisfaction Survey and the Victorian Employer Skills Survey) in that it is designed to support the Industry Roundtables and is specific to clean economy skills and jobs, and targets identified by clean economy stakeholders. The Department of Education and Training is aligning this work to related activities underway within the Victorian Skills Authority (such as the Victorian Skills Plan) and the Office of TAFE Coordination and Training (such as the TAFE Network service delivery reform).
If you have any questions, please contact Amy Mehrton (a.mehrton@acilallen.com.au).