The Australian Furniture Association
also internationally known as
The Australasian Furnishing Association.
This reflects the Association’s commitment to meeting clear globally-focused attention to the quality, high standards and safety of Australian furnishing products and industry-led advocacy.
So what does this mean for AFA Members?
More discounts; better access to services; a stronger voice to government and access to the international community. The dual brands reflect the transformational change embarked upon as the AFA begins to proactively cement its position as Australia’s peak industry organisation on the international scene. The AFA’s role is to raise awareness and understanding of the Association’s work for Australian businesses and drive demand for Australian quality products, high standards, safety initiatives and skills transfer.
‘While we remain committed to our core function as an organisation supporting Australian manufacturing, dual brand better demonstrate what our Members’ stand for and the international attention that has been directed to the AFA over the past few years,’ says AFA CEO, Patrizia Torelli. ‘The position clearly communicates our vision which is to ensure our standing in the international community, and the products sourced, designed and manufactured both here and offshore, are recognised as being amongst the safest, best designed, quality manufactured and most sustainable in the world.’
Over the past few years, the organisation has an extensive consultation program with its members, stakeholders and the broader community. The purpose is to better understand the status of the sector, consumer attitudes and the strategic direction the AFA should take to build on the historical success of its operations.
The dual brands are the result of this consultation and underpin a focused strategy to raise awareness and understanding of the Australian Furniture Association and has helped us to attract significantly more valuable services and offerings for AFA Members.
As part of the change, the Australian Furniture Association continues to amplify and communicate its activities, which can be accessed by visiting www.theafa.asn.au
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