The Australasian Furnishing Association is proud to launch the Furnishing Industry Timber Due Diligence Toolkit.

‘The AFA, together with stakeholder partners and the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, has developed the ‘AFA Timber Due Diligence System’ to assist furnishing industry businesses to comply with the regulation,’ says AFA CEO, Patrizia Torelli.

‘The full set of administrative template documents is complemented by workshops which are scheduled for delivery across the country. In addition, businesses can book workshops by appointment for custom training of staff and suppliers.’

The Australian Illegal Logging Prohibition Act is now in force and importers of regulated timber products into Australia, will face penalties for failing to comply with the Act.

The Act:

  • Makes it a criminal offence to knowingly, recklessly or intentionally import illegally logged timber and timber products into Australia, or to process domestically grown raw logs that have been illegally logged.
  • Requires companies to assess and mitigate the risks of importing or processing illegal timber.

The penalty for breaching the Act are as much as 5 years in jail and fines of 500 penalty units which in 2017 were equivalent to AUD $150,000.00.

A list of Frequently Asked Questions for Importers of timber furniture and furnishing products or Processors of logs can be found HERE.

PURCHASE the AFA Timber Due Diligence System Template for Importers HERE or PURCHASE the AFA Timber Due Diligence System Template for Processors HERE

BOOK HERE for Scheduled Workshops

VISIT HERE to request a Custom Workshop Appointment

VISIT HERE to request an Audit of your current Timber Due Diligence System

VISIT HERE to request a Custom Compliance Check of your supply chain, documentation and customs practices.