Illegal Logging Legislation’s Impact on Small Business


The AFA is advised that the new due diligence requirements in relation to the illegal logging legislation will affect up to 17,000 importers and 460 domestic timber processors, with all of them having to carry out due diligence. A large portion of these are likely to be small businesses, with regulatory costs potentially impacting more strongly on this sector.

The AFA has been informed that the compliance process imposes only as much burden as is necessary on business.

The Government has commissioned an independent review of the impact of illegal logging regulations on small business. The AFA hopes this will ensure that the compliance costs of the new requirements do not unduly impact on small business.

The review will be conducted by an independent consultant and will report back to the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Agriculture, Senator the Hon. Richard Colbeck, by March 2015.

The AFA will report on the outcomes and how they affect AFA members. Please feel free to communicate with us on how they affect you and we will communicate with the department as a group of your behalf.

For more information
