Australian Economy Growth

  National accounts data show that the Australian economy expanded by 1.1 per cent in the March 2016 quarter, and by 3.1 per cent year-on-year. However, wages grew by just 0.4 per cent and 1.2 per cent respectively, while there was a 2.6 per cent decline in...

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End of Financial Year is coming

  The end of the financial year is an important and busy time for AFA Members especially those who are small business owners. Completing bookkeeping, tax returns and begining planning for the new financial year. Putting the hard work in each financial year can...

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Look after your outdoor furniture in winter

Look after your outdoor furniture in winter

  This image is possibly a bit extreme for most of Australia, however it is winter and we found some handy tips on how to look after your outdoor furniture: Aluminium: Aluminium outdoor furniture can be left out year round. However, make sure all the water is...

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Entries close for 2016 AFIA &;amp; ACE Awards

Entries close for 2016 AFIA &;amp; ACE Awards

  The2016 AFIA ( Australian Furniture Industry Awards) and ACE ( Australian Contemporary Emerging Designer) Awardsnominations have closed. The increase in nominations will make it very difficult for our Judges to shortlist from a wonderful selection of entrants....

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Co-Working Spaces for Business

  Ever wanted to take your business to a new and exciting facility? If you’re ready to up the ante on your business’s innovation, AFA Members might like to consider accessing a co-working space, or innovation centre. Co-working spaces are specialised hubs or...

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Is E-commerce the way of the Future?

    According to latest reports from America E-commerce is throttling American bricks and mortar department stores and it may be just a matter of time before traditional Australian retailers are crushed too. You only need to look at your local shopping strip...

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What is Manufacturing?

  This is an interesting video on Australians understanding of what manufacturing is, you may receive a bit of a shock! The Australian Advanced Manufacturing Council partnered with the Australian Industry Group to produce an eye opening video, which aims to...

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