Co-Working Spaces for Business

  Ever wanted to take your business to a new and exciting facility? If you’re ready to up the ante on your business’s innovation, AFA Members might like to consider accessing a co-working space, or innovation centre. Co-working spaces are specialised hubs or...

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Standards Australia Issue Proceedings Against SAI Global

  ARBITRATION PROCEEDINGS REGARDING PLA - BACKGROUND For more than 12 months, Standards Australia has been requesting SAI Global to provide information regarding the use of Standards Australia content in accordance with the contract (known as the PLA) between...

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2016 AFIA &;amp; ACE Shortlists Announced

  The shortlists for the Australian Furnishing Industry Awards (AFIA) and the Australian Contemporary Emerging (ACE) Design Awards have been announced with this years awards set to be bigger and better than EVER! With more entries than ever before and some...

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What should you do when your trade mark is being infringed?

  There are three legal avenues available to those who believe that someone else is wrongly exploiting their product or brands or business identities (whether or not registered or unregistered trade marks are involved). Trade Mark Infringement Where you have a...

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