Maximise your exposure – Join the new WoodSolutions Supplier Page

Friends of the Australian Furniture Association, WoodSolutions, is a world leading resource for designing and building with wood. Committed to helping allied industries be as collaborative, innovative, sustainable and competitive as possible, WoodSolutions provides free education and information on how to work with wood and wood products.

The WoodSolutions website is a comprehensive information hub designed to provide architects, engineers and other building professionals with free downloadable resources including technical design guides, environmental product declaration, easy to digest fact sheets, educational webinars and online learning tools. 

Forest and Wood Products Australia created WoodSolutions – a comprehensive information hub designed to provide architects, engineers and other building professionals with information and technical resources about using wood and wood products.

WoodSolutions provide a Supplier Listing page that enables local Australian suppliers to list their business offerings, which is searchable by area, product type, services and more. With over 380,000 unique visitors to the website and over 1.3 million page views – listing as a supplier will enhance visibility and awareness to businesses with the potential to gain new leads and enquiries.

In the past twelve months the best performing listing resulted in 11,808 click-throughs to just one company website.

The supplier section covers all products and services, related to the use of wood products.
Suppliers range from architecture, construction, carpenters, interior design, cabinetry, landscapers, engineers, wood craft and so much more.

It provides many benefits to both suppliers and customers, including:

  • Increased visibility – Being listed on WoodSolutions supplier directory can increase your visibility and exposure to potential customers, who may be searching for timber and wood products. Over the past year 136,780 visitors have clicked through to a supplier’s website
  • Credibility and Trustworthiness: WoodSolutions supplier listing indicates that your business has been verified and approved by WoodSolutions, which enhances your credibility and trustworthiness in the eyes of potential customers.
  • Targeted audience: WoodSolutions supplier listing provides access to a targeted audience, including architects, builders, and construction professionals who are interested in sourcing timber and wood products.
  • Competitive Advantage: Being listed on WoodSolutions supplier directory can give you a competitive advantage over other suppliers who are not listed, as it shows your commitment to the timber industry.
  • Cost-effective marketing: WoodSolutions supplier listing offers a free and easy marketing option for suppliers, as it provides an online platform to showcase products and services to a targeted audience.

The AFA highly recommend and encourage Australian Furniture Association members to ensure they are listed as a WoodSolutions supplier, to increase visibility, credibility, and access to a targeted audience.

A supplier listing is free to all FWPA members and associate members, as well as forest and wood product levy payers.

To become a listed supplier VISIT HERE.