The Australian Furniture Association is pleased to announce the appointment of industry personality Mr Graeme Cock, as the Chair of the AFA’s Masters Committee. Graeme began his career with Fler, before forming his own manufacturing firm, Module Company. Mr Cock joined the Victorian Guild of Furniture Manufacturers in 1966, later becoming President of the FIAA (VIC /TAS), which he subsequently followed with 10 years as CEO of the Association.
Mr Cock was one of the founding members of the Furnitex exhibition, and with more than 49 years of experience, he is one of the most highly regarded industry icons across the entire supply chain, from the Australian industry training sector to global export partners and everything in between.‘
I am thrilled that Graeme has agreed to share his knowledge and expertise with the current cohort of industry members,’ states AFA CEO, Patrizia Torelli. ‘But more importantly, the guidance he will impart to those of us charged with leading the industry into the next decade and beyond will be invaluable. He is a true visionary who has not lost any of the passion that saw him lead the industry during the heady heydays of the Australian furniture industry into global markets before the flood of imported products took hold and impacted so dramatically on this manufacturing sector.’
The Masters Committee is one of three recently convened subcommittees of the AFA Board, which have been established to add value to the Association’s new strategic direction. The other committees are representative of the next generation of furniture industry leaders known as ‘Furniture Next’ and the National Furniture Industry Training Council, with representatives from all of the major industry training institutions across Australia. More subcommittees are planned for the future.
‘I am both flattered and humbled to have been invited to contribute to the next phase of the furniture industry,’ said Mr Cock. ‘This new direction fills me with confidence. So much so, that I believe that what the Board and management of the AFA are doing is the best way forward for the industry. My philosophy has always been to set the goals and go after them – meet the challenges as you go, maintain the vision, and regularly review the strategies. I can see that the Association reinforces this view and is working hard to bring the entire supply chain together. Suppliers to the industry are one of the most important assets and the AFA team are genuinely open to relevant and meaningful discussions and collaboration as is evidenced by the establishment of the Masters and other committees. I am very excited about the future of the industry and look forward to meeting some of the Furniture Next group and hear their vision for this sector. I am sure that we will see great things from them as they build their own businesses to rival such Australian greats as Fler, Parker, Moran, Chiswell ,Catt, Kidman, Moderntone, Danish De luxe, East Style and so many more.’
As part of the establishment of the Masters group, the AFA have also introduced a very special annual award to the National Awards program. The Furniture Industry Master award recognises an individual for their outstanding contribution to furniture manufacturing in Australia. This award will be an individual whose legacy has been to the benefit of the entire Australian furniture industry – a pioneer, innovator, master craftsman or promoter of Australian furniture. The key judging criteria is based on the significance of the individual’s contribution to the industry in terms of design, innovation, industry reputation domestically and/or internationally, or exploration and opening up of new markets. Nominations are now open and the award will be presented at the Australian Furniture Industry Awards in Melbourne, 12 July 2014. The AFA look forwards to receiving a strong contingent of nominees.
‘We are encouraging industry to take the time to nominate those who have come before and those who set the foundation for the future,’ says Ms Torelli. ‘We want to acknowledge and celebrate the contribution and innovation of these Masters. The future is bright, so we want to shine a light on those who have represented Australian furniture for every room in the world in the knowledge that they will guide us forward. Graeme is an outstanding example of a real Master and we look forward to celebrating the achievements of so many more.’