Great friends of the Australian Furniture Association, AU Manufacturing, are on the hunt for leading innovative companies.
For the first time ever, they have launched a brand new campaign: Australia’s 50 Most Innovative Manufacturers and the AFA is confident that Australia’s Furnishing Industry is made up of some of the best innovators in the country.
Applications are open now, so be bold!
Check out AU Manufacturing feature on AFA Member Workspace Commercial Furniture.
The AFA is encouraging manufacturers across the furniture supply chain to put their best foot forward and demonstrate leadership in innovative practice.
Australia’s Most Innovative Manufacturers
The top innovators will be interviewed to better understand how they work, the secret to success and how they do better.
AU Manufacturing will hold regular podcasts and written profiles and at the end of the series, will compile a presentation of the key lessons learned.
Entries close at 5pm on May 26, 2023. Finalists will be contacted June 2023.
A breakfast event will be held in Melbourne to conclude the series the week of July 3, 2023.
Nominate here: https://www.aumanufacturing.com.au/50-most-innovative