COVID19 – Industry Specific COVID Safe Plan

$ 55.00

Member Businesses enjoy the support of the Australasian Furnishing Association, and never has there been a more important time for accessing this support.

Covid19 has been a significant disruptor to industry and navigating the everchanging requirements and levels of compliance is critical for the safety of the community and the sustainability of the furnishing sector.

The AFA has developed a simple CovidSafe Plan for Manufacturing Members, no matter in which State of Australia the businesses are based. The TEMPLATE also contains a simple Guide for completing your own unique CovidSafe Plan for your business. Businesses with multiple operations across Australia can also consolidate their CovidSafe Plans, rather than have multiple versions across each region.


Member Businesses enjoy the support of the Australasian Furnishing Association, and never has there been a more important time for accessing this support.

Covid19 has been a significant disruptor to industry and navigating the everchanging requirements and levels of compliance is critical for the safety of the community and the sustainability of the furnishing sector.

The AFA has developed a simple CovidSafe Plan for Manufacturing Members, no matter in which State of Australia the businesses are based. The TEMPLATE also contains a simple Guide for completing your own unique CovidSafe Plan for your business. Businesses with multiple operations across Australia can also consolidate their CovidSafe Plans, rather than have multiple versions across each region.