The Victorian Fair Jobs Code has been launched and important changes will affect the way the Australian Furniture industry does business with the Victorian Government, a move strongly supported by the Australian Furniture Association (AFA).
The Fair Jobs Code (the Code) forms a key part of the Victorian Government’s procurement and grants framework and came into full effect on 1 December, 2022. It requires suppliers and businesses applying for Victorian Government contracts or grants to demonstrate compliance with industrial relations and occupational health and safety laws and to promote the Fair Jobs Code Standards, including secure work. The Code will ensure businesses are properly recognised for doing the right thing and putting workers first.
The Fair Jobs Code
- Promotes fair labour standards.
- Encourages compliance with employment, industrial relations and workplace health and safety obligations.
- Promotes secure employment and job security for employees.
- Fosters a cooperative and constructive workplace relationship between employers, employees, and their representatives.
- Promotes workplace equity and diversity.
- Encourages supply chain organisations to comply with similar employment standards.
Who does the Code apply to?
- All Victorian Government departments, agencies and public bodies in relation to contracts or grants with suppliers/businesses as defined below
- Suppliers of goods, services or works, including providers of construction works, who intend to apply for government contracts worth $3 million or more
- Businesses who intend to apply for a government grant:
– if the Victorian government component of the grant is worth $500,000 or more and
– if one of the objectives of the grant is to create new jobs - Sub-contractors, where the contract is worth $10 million or more, engaged by a supplier to government where the contract is worth $20 million or more.
Code Requirements
Suppliers and businesses are required to hold a Pre-Assessment Certificate prior to tendering or applying for an applicable contract or grant.
A Pre-Assessment Certificate is issued to a supplier or business by the Fair Jobs Code (FJC) Unit of the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR). A Certificate verifies compliance by a supplier or business with Industrial Relations and Occupational Health and Safety laws over the previous three years. Applications and supporting documentation can be accessed through the Buying for Victoria website: vic.gov.au/fairjobscode.
Additional requirements apply to suppliers tendering for contracts of $20 million or more and businesses who enter into grant agreements for $500,000 or more if one of the objectives of the grant is to create new jobs.
For more information contact strategy@theafa.asn.au