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Viewa provides unique 3D & augmented reality (AR) software to Furniture & Furnishings manufacturers and retailers which drive customer visualisation, engagement and sales.

Our VisualisAR software enables your customers to visualise your products in 3D on your website and then virtually experience them at home, driving them further down the buying cycle and improving online conversions. It is web-based, easy to implement and allows potential customers to change out fabrics, finishes, materials etc in real time to customise the product to their liking.

** Viewa is offering all AFA members $2,000 worth of complimentary 3D modeling and access to our VisualisAR software at our future SaaS subscription only pricing (which is not yet available in Australia).

Business Type: Supplier of Visualisation Software

Business Address: 64-66 Acland Street, St Kilda, Vic, 3182

Phone Number: 0400 092 916

Email Address: info@viewa.com

Business Website: www.viewa.com

Year Joined: 2023



