Wood you like to know event

MORE than 100 architects, engineers, and specifiers will gather in Melbourne on August 24-25 for one of Australia’s largest timber industry events and AFA Members are invited to join. Meet industry’s new ambassador as range of speakers address the Ultimate Renewable. The ‘Wood You Like to Know’ program aligns with the Ultimate Renewable theme promoting timber as “undeniably the most sustainable building material to be specified’.

AFA Partners, Responsible Wood are supporting the informative two-day event which includes subject matter experts to present on all things wood, such as sustainability, compliance, design, innovation and more.

The event features a walk-around Holmesglen Institute, with up to 8 CPD points endorsed by the Building Designers Association of Australia and a fully catered second day at Sculptform in the Melbourne CBD.

The event features presentations from, amongst others, Jorge Chappa (GBCA Head of Market Transformation), David Baggs (Global Green Tag), Tim Woods (Industry Edge), Boris Iskra (FWPA) and David Rawlinson (Planet Ark). A full Program can be viewed HERE.

Here’s a great chance to meet and greet our new industry partners, suppliers and potential clients. The Ultimate Renewable™, new ambassador, Adam Dovile, will be making a special appearance at Weathertex’s “Wood you Like to Know” cocktail event. Adam has been guiding, advising and showing Australian audiences how a builder gets the best results in any space since 2014. First as the winner of House Rules and then as the Resident Builder on Better Homes and Gardens, Adam shares his creativity and expertise in construction for big and small projects. In 2016 Adam won the Logie for Best New Talent and is now an established audience favourite. In June 2022 Adam added the role of supporting the wood. The Ultimate Renewable™ to his impressive list of achievements. For more information about Adam’s accomplishments, click here

More info on how to register, visit – https://woodyouliketoknow.com.au/