ACCC to Focus Online Surveillance for Product Safety

The ACCC is strengthening product safety online, with a focus on expanding participation in the Australian Product Safety Pledge, online surveillance and contributing to greater consistency of international practice.

Furniture features again in 2022-23 with the ACCC implementing strategies to prevent injuries and deaths caused by toppling furniture. The AFA will advocate on behalf of the industry as the ACCC finalises strategies to improve the safety of toppling furniture by:

  • consulting stakeholders on the costs and benefits of a range of potential policy options to prevent injuries and deaths caused by toppling furniture;
  • determining whether regulatory action should be recommended to the Minister, including whether it is appropriate to recommend a safety standard be implemented under the ACT.

Click here to read the current AFA Toppling Furniture Prevention Code of Best Practice Guide or visit the link AFA TOPPLING FURNITURE PREVENTION Code of Best Practice Guide (Version 4 / 1-11-21) – AFA (


The ACCC will continue to strengthen product safety online by:

  • reporting on compliance with the Australian Product Safety Pledge and encouraging broader adoption of the pledge or opportunities for other commitments from online businesses;
  • monitoring unsafe, non-compliant and banned products online through surveillance and engaging with online marketplaces and ACL regulators to address priority issues, and taking enforcement action where appropriate;
  • collaborating with international regulators to harmonise global initiatives which seek to address product safety risks online and raising awareness of compliance obligations and product safety for online sellers and consumers.

AFA Members should contact for further details.