VCE VET Furnishing PD

The VCAA is hosting a free program PD session in conjunction with the Australian Furniture Association on Wednesday 30 November 2016. We will be joined by Gary Dunshea from Manufacturing Skills Australia and will discuss in detail the implementation of the new...

Snapshot series: When will a contractor be considered an employee?

WorkCover Under the Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2013 a contractor/worker will be deemed any employee of the hirer if a contract is: · not principally for the provision of goods or equipment; and · at least 80% of the work is completed by the...

The Impact of Disruption on International Trade

AFA has provided us with this interesting insight into global trade and logistics as they believe within next decade, it could be virtually unrecognisable from what we see today. Digital and physical disruption will change the way customers and suppliers connect, and...

Decorating with Paper

Who would have known your average “paper bag” look could be so cool?. These bags are made from a raw cellulose fibre to achieve the paper quality. Pictured is UASHMAMA washable paper that looks and feels like leather but washes with ease. They are soft yet resilient,...

Wonderful Wood

The AFA loves wood and working with our AFA Members who are timber producers and Forestry industry bodies. Starting with the trees themselves in all their beauty, extending to the smell of fresh cut wood, the feel when you work it with hand tools and the smell of...