The cost of testing and product certification is a significant investment on the part of genuine furniture industry market leaders who rely on this investment for the purposes of meeting the highest standards and winning major contracts. The significant increase in ‘fake’ product certificates by unscrupulous traders is very concerning, but also demonstrates how valuable they really are.
How can you spot a ‘fake’? Our partners at AFRDI have provided an example and some insight into what to look for.
Alterations from genuine original certificates can include:
- Company named changed
- Expiry date changed from 2014 to 2022
- Product name spelling changed
- Product colour options changed
- Slight change to wording with the word “blue” removed
- Product photograph changed (different chair and the photograph was not taken by the certifying organisation)
The practice of falsifying such important documentation can damage a Certification Scheme, impact on clients whose business depends on genuine Certification, in addition to fraud committed by companies which choose to buy products based on a fake certificate. Certificates cannot be hacked. There is a deliberate process required to falsify documents. Certificate holders are urged to protect their I.P and buyers are encouraged to report certificates that appear modified or do not look genuine.
For ARDI Certification enquiries contact AFRDI directly. For all other Certification enquiries contact AFA’s Compliance Team at compliance@theafa.asn.au