Here at the AFA we are very concerned about the safety of furniture, especially with the toppling furniture incidents that have been reported lately. Safe baby furniture and baby equipment will help to protect your child. You’ll still have to watch your child and...
It is a revolutionary new online tool that helps you design environmentally improved products. It is a user-friendly design support tool focused on real-world design projects. Greenfly incorporates life-cycle modelling and EcoDesign strategies with easy to use,...
Here is a quick guide to Product and Industrial Eco-Design that you may like to take into account when you are designing or manufacturing products.
You can register for product safety recall alerts If you sell products – it pays to be aware of how products fare in your market sector. If a product similar to one that you sell gets recalled it can impact your business. It is illegal to sell recalled products. Most...
Houzz recently posted this great article on shelving. Please be aware when you are constructing shelving to ensure it is secure and won’t tip over. Please read the ACCC’s tipping standards legislation before installing shelving – click here There is...
An inquiry investigating payment times and practices in Australia is in full swing with preliminary findings confirming that big businesses and some governments are taking longer than ever to pay small businesses. So far 60 percent of small businesses are reporting an...
Understanding the purchasing decision process of your customers is imperative in today’s competitive market. Customer profiling has been used in the fashion industry for over 3 decades and has been a driving tool in establishing market share. Knowing and determining...
Have you ever wondered what the greenest materials are…we found this handy go-to list of the friendliest materials that have our planet covered.
Have you noticed a rise in people being interested in upcycling? Have you heard the word more often than usual? It’s a thing! So what is all the fuss about upcycling? And what is it all about? Upcycle Magazine says “Upcycling is taking an item that is no longer needed...
The Australian Furniture Association is calling all Furnishing Industry Leaders and Buyers who wish to participate in the Business Delegation to attend the Export Furniture Exhibition and Malaysian International Furniture Fair Events, in Malaysia from the 8-11 of...
The Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills, The Hon. Karen Andrews MP has teamed up with Scott Cam, the host of The Block, to showcase the significance of an Australian Apprenticeships. Scott Cam, who is a qualified Carpenter by trade, offers his spare...
Back into the swing of things and experiencing some HR glitches after the break? The AFA has negotiated exclusive HR Support Services on behalf of AFA members, with significant discounts for Platinum and Importer Members What Advice and Support is available? · ...
Is it time to plan your next business trip and tag on a holiday? Check out the full list of furnishing and design related trade shows around the world on the link below. For information about the AFA’s travel partner discounts and special offers, contact the AFA at...
The Malaysian International Furniture Fair and Export Furniture Expo will be attended by AFA CEO Patrizia Torelli who will be leading an Australian delegation to present on the Australian furnishing industry landscape. Patrizia will be joined by Swinburne University’...
The AFA is currently negotiating the with international partners for Australia to be included in an International Design program. The program has been established for a number of years now and Australia is only the third country to be invited to this prestigious...
Thanks to those who completed the AFA’s recent survey about use of Timber in the production of Furniture. It appears that not everyone is in the know. Want to have your say and go into the DRAW to win an Australian Furniture Association (AFA) Individual Membership...
The AFA is seeking expressions of interest from established industry partners for a major Government funded submission for a Materials and Manufacturing Design Technology project. Businesses from the required industry sectors include Sustainable materials Ethically...
Great news for Australian made products – which includes our very own fabulous furniture – Roy Morgan Research findings revealed that Australian-made products are still tops for Aussie consumers—89% of whom say they’re more likely to buy a product if it’s...
The AFA seeks expressions of interest from established industry partners for a major Materials and Manufacturing Technology project. Businesses from the required industry sectors include Sustainable materials Ethically harvested timbers Recyclable materials New...
The Australian Furniture Association (AFA) welcomed the opportunity to make a submission to the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources’ consultation Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) on reforming Australia’s Illegal Logging regulations. The AFA supports the...
Manufacturing has changed the world and is itself changing, more fundamentally than at any time since the industrial revolution. Does this spell the end of manufacturing in Australia, or a new beginning? Our immediate challenge is that the resources boom has ‘hollowed...