We Have Made it Easier for YOU

The AFA Due Diligence Toolkit is designed to assist importers, manufacturers and distributors of all timber related products, including furniture, furnishing, cabinetry, homewares and components.

Technological advances are also unlocking an array of new and exciting materials that can be derived from trees.

These include:

  • engineered wood products                                                                                                  
  • pelletised wood
  • chemicals from wood
  • nano-cellulose.

YOU are required by law, to understand and prepare the information necessary to meet the requirements of the Illegal Logging Prohibition Act 2012 (the Act) and the Illegal Logging Prohibition Regulation 2012 (the Regulation).

This easy to use Toolkit provides explanatory information to understand the legislation, how you may be affected, and what to do to comply and meet the requirements of the regulation, including commonwealth approved DOCUMENT TEMPLATES as part of the AFA Due Diligence system.  

Processors of domestically grown raw logs, as well as importers, of wooden products and components are potentially affected by the Regulation and the Act which is referred to as the legislation.

For full details refer to the links below:

Illegal logging is a significant problem in many countries and has wide-reaching environmental, economic and social impacts.

Illegal logging degrades forest environments, reduces biodiversity and undermines government regimes and revenues. Illegal logging also contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and deprives communities of opportunities to improve their quality of life.

The trade in illegal timber disadvantages legitimate Australian businesses by undercutting market prices and threatening local investment, profitability and jobs. The reality is that illegally harvested timber generally means that there have been shortcuts taken somewhere in the harvesting process. The timber may have been stolen from its rightful owner or harvested from a region where there is a prohibition because of the environmental vulnerability of the timber species or the environment in that region. This ultimately means that furniture manufacturers and local producers are left at a price disadvantage because they are utilising legally harvested timber. The furniture sector may be vulnerable to the use of illegally harvested timber due to the greater reliance on products that are imported from regions where illegal harvesting is a potential issue.

By buying and importing non-compliant timber products such as furniture, furnishing, cabinetry and components with ‘no questions asked’, consumer countries are unwittingly giving financial incentives to those committing
forest crimes.

The European Union and the United States, two of the largest markets for timber products in the world, have implemented regulations relating to illegally logged timber. Similarly, Australia has strengthened the illegal logging laws and made it tougher for those involved in illegal activity.

The complexity of furniture products and the supply chains of inputs presents unique risks for furniture importers to manage. It is therefore key that furniture importers have a robust due diligence system in place.

Prior to the implementation of the Act and Regulation, the Australian Government acknowledged reports that estimated that approximately 10% of timber and wood-based product imports into Australia came from sources with high risk of being illegally logged. The estimated annual worldwide value of illegal logging is up to USD$150 billion, representing 30% of the global
timber trade.

As a responsible member of the global community and a producer of timber products, it is in our interest to promote the trade of products containing legally compliant logged timber.