
Sustainability is not a buzz word – it is the business of securing the planet’s future. The furnishing industry achieves its corporate social responsibility through ethical sourcing and efficient use of raw materials, responsible use of water and energy, waste minimization practices and, improved furniture design that considers extending a product’s working life and its recyclability.

The AFA, together with our partners, can provide advice and guidance on how to improve your business’ ‘sustainability’ and show you how to embrace the implementation of in-house policies and practices that mitigate your own environmental footprint.


Energy – Efficiency, demand management, renewable generation, microgrids, procurement, decarbonisation and electrification. Read More

Leadership – Director’s responsibility, governance, ethical operations accreditation, responsible investment, sustainability accounting and reporting, integration of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Read More

Communications – Credible messaging and marketing strategies utilising mobile digital design and video production capability. Read More

Education – AFA Member Registered Training Organisations demonstrate outstanding achievement in embedding sustainability principles through their programs, products and work practices in the provision of nationally recognised training. These AFA Member organisation deliver programs in environment, energy, climate and manufacturing using both traditional and online learning tools. Read More

Chemicals of Concern – The Australian Government has established the Industrial Chemicals Environmental Management Standard – or IChEMS – to help industry and governments manage the environmental risks of chemicals. IChEMS provides a national approach to how chemicals can be used, stored, handled and disposed of. The AFA conducts ongoing research in relation to how ‘chemicals of concern’ affect the furnishing industry. Read More