Suppliers of Furnishing Products: Register for furnishing product safety recall alerts

If you supply furnishing products – it is critical to know how products perform in your commercial or household furniture market sector. If a product similar to one that you import, sell or distribute is recalled it can impact on your business. Consumers do not always know the difference.

Recalls are not always covered on the TV or radio news, and it is impossible to read every newspaper. But ALL suppliers are required by law to notify the government when they initiate a product recall.

The government makes this information available on its Product Recalls website.

The AFA strongly recommends that all suppliers register for Product Recalls alerts and are reminded that it is illegal to sell non-compliant products.

Register for alerts at Product Recalls Australia, NOW.

TubeCo Pty Ltd — D-Deka Bunk Bed

Product description Single metal bunk bed supplied with timber slats   What are the defects? The product does not comply with the requirements of the mandatory standard 'Trade Practices Act 1974 Consumer Protection Notice No. 1 of 2003 Consumer Product Safety...

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Adairs Retail Group Pty Ltd — Panama Bedhead

Product description Panama Bedhead   Identifying features Other identifying numbers Batch Numbers 184836 & 187168 What are the defects? The product contains high levels of Formaldehyde in the MDF component of the product. What are the hazards? Formaldehyde in the...

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Adairs Retail Group Pty Ltd — Panama Bedside Table

Product description Panama Bedside Table   Identifying features Other identifying numbers Batch Numbers 184836 & 187168 What are the defects? The product contains high levels of Formaldehyde in the MDF component of the product. What are the hazards? Formaldehyde...

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Organature — Australian Made Hardwood Bunk Bed

Product description Australian Made Australian Hardwood Bunk Beds Single, King Single and Single over Double sizes   What are the defects? The products do not comply with the requirements of the mandatory standard 'Trade Practices Act 1974 Consumer Protection Notice...

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Fitting Furniture — Various Bunk Beds

Product description Bunk Bed Compact Mini Low Height - Innovative Design!Model BNKMIDCOM1 Bunk Bed Mid Height with Built In BookshelfModel BNKMIDBook1 Bunk Bed with Built In Bookshelf & Optional Trundle or DrawersModel BNKBook101 Cubby House Bunk Bed with Open...

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Amart Furniture Pty Ltd — Hillside Loft Bunk Bed

Product description Loft bunk bed Single size   What are the defects? The product does not comply with the requirements of the mandatory standard 'Trade Practices Act 1974 Consumer Protection Notice No. 1 of 2003 Consumer Product Safety Standard: Bunk Beds'. The...

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Product recalls are on the rise as ever increasing consumer protection and new regulations come into play. It does not take much of a defect to fail to meet various legislation and Australian Standards. When a recall is declared by a government agency or a retailer,...

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Bunks and Bean Bags top the list of failures

A further nine furniture product safety recalls were reported to the ACCC this month, with Bunk Beds and Bean Bags heading the list and eBay being amongst the sellers under scrutiny. Retailers have been warned to meet their obligations. Concerns are increasing over...

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Focus on furnishing industry standards now at critical point

Standards are applied to protect buyers, consumers and users. They are used to demonstrate a commitment to the community’s expectation of a safe and sustainable Australia and are recognised as a value-add to Australia’s economic efficiency, trade and international...

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Review of Australian Mandatory Standard for Household Cots

The Australian Furniture Association (AFA) together with industry partners, regulatory bodies, and State and Federal Government share your concerns and that of the ACCC and consumers related to the emerging safety hazards and increased risk of injury and death of...

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Four baby cots recalled in one month

The Australasian Furnishing Association is alarmed to learn that four separate baby cots have been recalled the ACCC in just one month. Even more alarming is the fact that all three were sold online. ‘With the impending launch of Amazon into Australia, we’re concerned...

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