Cots and Mattresses listed as high-risk Infant Safe Sleeping Products

The Australian Furniture Association (AFA) is proud to have been a contributor to the recently released Guide for the Design of Safe Infant Sleeping environments. Products featured in the Guide include, but are not limited to, household cots, portable cots, bassinets,...

Suppliers of infant sleep products legally bound

It is important that suppliers of infant sleep products are legally bound by the Australian Consumer Law (ACL) and are fully aware of their legal obligations in terms of supplying safe products…

Mandatory Reporting of Unsafe Products

There is an obligation under the Australian Consumer Law for suppliers to report any death or serious injury or illness associated with their products to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission. Suppliers will not know about an incident unless they are contacted by the consumer or health clinician, information is posted on social media or becomes part of a mainstream media news story. This mode is increasingly common especially when the consumer is not feeling heard by the supplier or government agency.

Timber Due Diligence Compliance Toolkit

Timber Due Diligence Compliance Want to Book your own dedicated Timber Due Diligence Compliance Check for your Business Team? Businesses and individuals who import regulated timber products into Australia, or who process domestically grown raw logs, may face penalties...

The real cost of getting workplace compliance wrong

From reinstatement of a dismissed employee to unlimited damages that could go into hundreds of thousands of dollars. As an employer, what could you be hit by? Businesses have to deal with a really complex set of rules when it comes to managing employees. As difficult...