Member News
For Less Than The Cost of a Cup of Coffee Per Day!
And so another year has begun and the outlook is very positive for the furnishing industry. In 2024 we hope to see a continued reduction in ‘poor quality’ furnishing product recalls and an increase in quality products that meet our very high Australian Standards....
Venue operators face increased litigation due to furniture related injuries.
Venue operators face increased litigation due to furniture related injuries. The AFA continues to assist a number of furniture industry businesses to manage litigious situations. The increase in insurance claims is due to the lack of understanding by venue operators...
Welcome the Latest Group of AFA Business Members
We warmly welcome the New AFA Business Members! They join the strongest voice for and become leaders of the furnishing industry.
AFA Latest Furnishing Industry News
Australian Furniture Association E News is distributed to over 43,000 subscribers each week. For the latest news subscribe now. • held a social event? • developed a new product? • received an award? • been involved in an interesting project? • visited or exhibited at...
Buying furniture for a venue? Top tips to avoid the risk of litigation.
The Australasian Furnishing Association (AFA) continues to assist its Members manage litigious situations. The increase in claims is due to the lack of understanding from Buyers or Specifiers about the right, fit for purpose product and the maintenance regime required...
SGS Partners with the Australasian Furnishing Association
SGS has joined the ranks of premium partners for the benefit of Australasian Furnishing Association Members. SGS company will provide up-to-date technical information and testing services to AFA’s Members internationally “SGS has accepted an invitation to become a...
Coaching and Mentoring
As leaders of businesses, we have many responsibilities. These range from dealing with the day to day operational aspects of our businesses and handling business finances to developing the people working with us. Each of these is critical and warrants much of our time...
Safety and Wellbeing
Safety and Wellbeing (often also known as Occupational Health and Safety) relies on a combination of a strong policy framework and a commitment by business owners and leaders to people and safety for a successful and a safe work environment. Every work environment,...
Australia’s State By State Restrictions Impacting Businesses
As the situation with the pandemic evolves, check out the latest round of restrictions enforced by each state and territory.
Pokies players hurt while playing poker machines
https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/victoria/pokies-players-getting-hurt-while-playing-poker-machines/news-story/c8ba389062205914afd5746357df024d http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6021293/Poker-players-risk-broken-hips-wrists-thanks-cheap-Chinese-furniture.html
Product recalls are on the rise as ever increasing consumer protection and new regulations come into play. It does not take much of a defect to fail to meet various legislation and Australian Standards. When a recall is declared by a government agency or a retailer,...
Australian Sustainable Hardwoods (ASH)
BUSINESS DESCRIPTION Passionate about sourcing innovative solutions for commercial and residential projects, Australian Sustainable Hardwoods (ASH) are an established leader among timber suppliers in Australia. As a trusted timber manufacturer & supplier, we...