Sleep my way by A.H. Beard Product Development Team

FINALIST IN – Master Designer – CRAFTSMANSHIP Designed By – A.H Beard Product Development Team Business Name – A.H. Beard Website –         Design Inspiration There’s no one-size-fits-all when it...

Roche Buffet By Vincent Mayer – Arqadian Furniture

FINALIST IN – Master Designer – CREATIVE VISION Designed By – Tim Drag Business Name – Arqadian Furniture Web –       Design Inspiration Inspired by Le Corbusier – A 1930s French architect who...

Roche Chair By Vincent Mayer – Arqadian Furniture

FINALIST IN – Master Designer – CREATIVE VISION Designed By – Tim Drag Business Name – Arqadian Furniture Web –       Design Inspiration Designed to be a part of a larger Roche furniture range which is...