Growing Global Links

The Australian Furniture Association is continuing to grow its global reach internationally and the AFA’s commitment to a clear global focus quality, high standards and safe Australian furnishing products and industry-led advocacy.  More discounts; greater access to...

$27.4 billion confirmed furniture industry contribution to Australian economy

The Australasian Furnishing Association (AFA) is recognised as the peak industry association for the furnishing sector supply chain in Australia. Collectively the industry employs more than 250,000 Australians directly and up to 500,000 indirectly. With an estimated value of $27.4 billion, the furnishing industry is an important contributor to the economic well-being and wealth of the nation.


But we’d love to have you. More and more, the AFA receives calls on a whole range of topics, but mostly from stakeholders seeking help or advice, usually related to a business crisis. Increasingly the caller has assumed they are an AFA Member, when they are not. What...

The Sexiest Jobs Going

The fastest growing industry in Australia is said to be the ‘lifestyle’ sector. Lifestyle media. Lifestyle design. Lifestyle communities. Lifestyle Products. Internet surfing or Instagram swiping has become the norm with the range of amazing products and design...

Scammers Target People Not Computers

According to research and intelligence at BlackBerry, criminals are working out how to target consumers better. The infrastructure of the cyber underground has evolved so they can deliver more timely and personalised deceptions to the public.

SGS Partners with the Australasian Furnishing Association

SGS has joined the ranks of premium partners for the benefit of Australasian Furnishing Association Members. SGS company will provide up-to-date technical information and testing services to AFA’s Members internationally  “SGS has accepted an invitation to become a...

Industry Influencers

Furnishing Industry Business Leaders collaborating in droves. Who are the leading furnishing industry companies influencing government policy, driving advocacy and shape-shifting the industry’s strategic direction. Find out ‘who’ has joined the ranks and ‘why’...

Biosecurity and Illegal Logging Free Service

Did you know, the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources has a free service available to confidentially report information about suspected breaches of Australian biosecurity laws? Redline allows callers to report matters that may not be detected, reported or...