Safety and Wellbeing

Safety and Wellbeing (often also known as Occupational Health and Safety) relies on a combination of a strong policy framework and a commitment by business owners and leaders to people and safety for a successful and a safe work environment. Every work environment,...

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An engaged team – your best marketers!  

Business owners and leaders work very hard to build their brand and to develop and maintain their reputation in the marketplace. This process often takes many years of investment in time and money and it is critical to ensure all aspects of your business support the...

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Australian Businesses responsible for imported product safety

Australian Businesses responsible for imported product safety

As a result they can be held liable for any defect or other condition that renders the product unsafe and results in injury, death or damage.Generally, all businesses that manufacture or import products will have Public & Products Liability Insurance. However, the...

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Product recalls are on the rise as ever increasing consumer protection and new regulations come into play. It does not take much of a defect to fail to meet various legislation and Australian Standards. When a recall is declared by a government agency or a retailer,...

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How the workplace affects employee health and wellbeing

The most direct effect that workplaces have on employee health and wellbeing is through the occurrence of injuries or illness due to work. Our workplaces affect the types of risks involved. Workplaces with high levels of physical work (for example, those that involve...

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Storm Over Procurement Loopholes

Storm Over Procurement Loopholes

A storm is brewing over government procurement policies within the furnishing sector, with Members of Australia’s peak industry body, the Australasian Furnishing Association (AFA), pushing for reform. It seems that the AFA may have ‘hit a nerve’, with the issue...

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Understanding Digital Marketing Gobbledygook

Understanding Digital Marketing Gobbledygook

Blogs. Posts. Likes. SEO. PPC. Analytics. IoT. Is it all gobbledygook to you? Let’s make it short, sharp and simple. An interactive introduction to online digital marketing that won’t make your brain explode. And better still, won’t make you feel like a ‘dummy’. Learn...

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