Corporate News
Trouble wrapping your head around common Advanced Manufacturing ‘lingo’?
Here is a ‘Hot List’ of COMMON ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TERMS to help you communicate with potential customers and suppliers.
Is it time to renew your business insurance?
Finding the right balance between cover and cost can be a challenge when you don’t have the time to be sifting through quotes and going back and forth with brokers.
But which Insurance do you need for your business?
Google Reviews and Ranking
Google Reviews and Ranking Have you ever wondered how important Google Reviews are? Or perhaps you know they are important for reputation, but the task keeps getting pushed down your ever-growing to-do list. Well, what many businesses don’t realise is that your Google...
New .au Domains
New .au Domains The new ".au" domains are finally here, ready to simplify Australian domains and website marketing. Available from 24th March, the new .au domain is a gamechanger for Australian businesses. While “.com.au", ".net.au" or ".org.au" domains will still be...
Award Coverage
Awards are legal documents that outline the minimum pay rates and conditions of employment. More than 100 industry or occupation awards cover most people who work in Australia. An award is a document that sets out the minimum terms and conditions of employment on top of the National Employment Standards (NES).
Businesses offered incentive to invest in cyber security
Significant tax savings for businesses that invest in digital technology, cyber security and staff training.
Support for people impacted by recent flooding events
If you or your staff have been affected by the recent flooding in Queensland or NSW, the ATO can support you with your tax and super obligations.
What employers need to know about new casual employment laws
The Fair Work Act (FWA) was recently amended to change workplace rights for casual employees, and places new obligations on employers. A new definition of casual employment has been introduced, as well as a pathway for casual employees to move to permanent employment,...
The benefits of mediation in a commercial dispute
Lawyers are often stereotyped as being interested in prolonging an expensive Court action. More often the opposite is true.
Clean Economy Workforce Development Strategy – Skills Needs Survey
The Victorian Government has committed to decarbonising the economy and achieving net zero emissions by 2050, which will have implications for workforce skill needs.
What to do if your business is hit by a cyber attack
Learn how the best practices and the right training can protect your business from cyber-attacks and strengthen your human firewall.
Business confidence up but supply constraints remain critical
A large share of businesses reported facing supply constraints in late 2022 as disruptions to global supply chains as well as a tightening labour market began to bite, and that has translated into higher inflation in official data.
Change Procurement Rules To Stop “Race To The Bottom” For Manufacturing
There are fresh calls for more strategic government procurement policies after a manufacturing inquiry heard the current rules and international trade deals are undermining the Australian industry.
Buying furniture for a venue? Top tips to avoid the risk of litigation.
The Australasian Furnishing Association (AFA) continues to assist its Members manage litigious situations. The increase in claims is due to the lack of understanding from Buyers or Specifiers about the right, fit for purpose product and the maintenance regime required...
Overcoming the “back to work blues”
The holiday season is essentially over and many of us are returning to work and finding it hard to adjust. Some of the adjustment is about travelling to and from work in traffic, others include spending time again with people you may or may not like, learning again...
SGS Partners with the Australasian Furnishing Association
SGS has joined the ranks of premium partners for the benefit of Australasian Furnishing Association Members. SGS company will provide up-to-date technical information and testing services to AFA’s Members internationally “SGS has accepted an invitation to become a...
Enabling Global Connections
The Australian Furniture Association also internationally known as The Australasian Furnishing Association. This reflects the Association’s commitment to meeting clear globally-focused attention to the quality, high standards and safety of Australian furnishing...
Coaching and Mentoring
As leaders of businesses, we have many responsibilities. These range from dealing with the day to day operational aspects of our businesses and handling business finances to developing the people working with us. Each of these is critical and warrants much of our time...
Safety and Wellbeing
Safety and Wellbeing (often also known as Occupational Health and Safety) relies on a combination of a strong policy framework and a commitment by business owners and leaders to people and safety for a successful and a safe work environment. Every work environment,...
What’s the importance of your organisation’s Performance Culture?
A key to maximising performance within the workplace is to ensure employees and owners and managers understand their roles and the expected standards of performance and behaviour within your business. Research conducted in Australia has shown the strong link between...
An engaged team – your best marketers!
Business owners and leaders work very hard to build their brand and to develop and maintain their reputation in the marketplace. This process often takes many years of investment in time and money and it is critical to ensure all aspects of your business support the...
Australian Businesses responsible for imported product safety
As a result they can be held liable for any defect or other condition that renders the product unsafe and results in injury, death or damage.Generally, all businesses that manufacture or import products will have Public & Products Liability Insurance. However, the...
Furnishing Industry Timber Due Diligence Toolkit LAUNCHED
The Australasian Furnishing Association is proud to launch the Furnishing Industry Timber Due Diligence Toolkit. ‘The AFA, together with stakeholder partners and the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, has developed the ‘AFA Timber Due Diligence System’ to...
Australian Online Household Furniture Sales On Upward Trajectory
Australian Online Household Furniture Sales On Upward Trajectory The tables have turned: The impact of COVID-19 and trading restrictions have encouraged consumers to buy more furniture online. IBISWorld's analysts constantly monitor the industry impacts of current...
5 Top Tips for Manufacturers To Go Direct To Consumer
Going direct-to-consumer (D2C) comes with a range of options to shape-shift manufacturing businesses from a strictly B2B model to an online solution. Read on for tips and learn what goes into establishing a D2C ecommerce site.
The renewed love affair with products manufactured in Australia at risk when the lines are blurred
The resurgence of interest in products that are made in Australia has been significant in the past two years. Australian consumers, buyers and specifiers are willing to pay for products they believe are made in, grown in or product of Australia, or support local jobs and businesses. Even Australia’s Governments’ are beginning to push for ‘buy local’. However, any Country of Origin claim should provide consumers with clear, accurate and truthful information about what they are buying. Significant penalties apply if a product is misrepresented
The top three business risks: Cyber, Supply Chain and Regulatory Compliance
*source Metis Advisory The recently released Allianz Risk Barometer ranked the top business risks, based on the views of more than 1,900 risk management experts globally. Here, METIS looks at the top three identified business risk for Australia and discuss how they...
Pokies players hurt while playing poker machines
https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/victoria/pokies-players-getting-hurt-while-playing-poker-machines/news-story/c8ba389062205914afd5746357df024d http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6021293/Poker-players-risk-broken-hips-wrists-thanks-cheap-Chinese-furniture.html
Who is Responsible for Furnishings in the Safe Work Environment?
A person conducting a business or undertaking has the primary duty under the Work Health and Safety Act to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that workers and other persons are not exposed to health and safety risks arising from the business or undertaking....
Product recalls are on the rise as ever increasing consumer protection and new regulations come into play. It does not take much of a defect to fail to meet various legislation and Australian Standards. When a recall is declared by a government agency or a retailer,...